15 de September de 2023
Did you know that maintaining a positive attitude at work increases productivity by 12%?
Get positive once and for all from Monday to Friday with the following motivational techniques.
Sometimes, in the business environment, certain terms become fashionable that very well summarize some trends that are widespread among professionals. For example, one of them is the impostor syndrome, which many workers suffer, for different reasons that we will see below. Have you heard of this concept? Discover in this post how this psychological phenomenon that affects many people manifests itself, even those who are successful and recognized in their area.
In recent times, there has been much mention of impostor syndrome, a psychological phenomenon in which people experience a deep feeling of insecurity, self-worth, and fear of being found out as “frauds” in their jobs, despite having achievements. and obvious skills. When you suffer from impostor syndrome, the feeling of inadequacy and the belief that you do not deserve the success achieved increase.
The reason why this term has become more publicly recognized and discussed is because we live in the era of social networks, appearances and stereotypes, which make people constantly compare with each other and strive to “be better”. The problem comes when this need for improvement is false, since it attends to images, also false, projected from the outside, and not due to intrinsic motivations. Thus, a perfectionism loop is generated , in which the person who is involved never manages to be truly satisfied with what he does and ends up feeling smaller and smaller in front of the other co-workers. As if that were not enough, this also makes it very difficult to find a new job or advance in our professional career.
Learning to stop negative thoughts that undermine our security at work is very important so that they do not affect our productivity and to prevent the feared job dissatisfaction from appearing , which, as you know, is caused by various factors. One of them is the impostor syndrome and we are going to tell you about its effects and symptoms so that you do not get fooled by it.
Each person comes to feel insecure for different reasons, and sometimes, they are not perceptible to the rest. These would be some of the causes that make many professionals feel like impostors:
If you have fallen into impostor syndrome, don’t worry, because any psychology professional can help you overcome it. It is not a serious psychological disorder and following the appropriate guidelines, it has an easy solution. Then, here are some tips for you to put into practice starting today.
Recognize and accept your achievements: Start by recognizing and valuing your own achievements and abilities. Realize that your successes are not the product of luck or external circumstances but of your own merits and efforts.
Challenge your negative thoughts: Identify and challenge the negative thoughts that lead you to feel like an imposter. Examine the evidence that supports your abilities and achievements, and challenge limiting beliefs that prevent you from recognizing your worth.
Seek support: Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with people you trust, such as mentors, friends, or colleagues. By talking openly about your experiences, you’ll likely discover that you’re not alone and that many others have faced imposter syndrome as well.
Learn to Accept Failure: No one is perfect and we all face failure at some point. Learn to see failure as an opportunity for growth and development. Recognize that making mistakes is part of the process and does not define you as an imposter.
Foster a Growth Mindset: Embrace a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. Focus on constant learning and development, rather than striving for absolute perfection. Celebrate progress and challenges overcome instead of just focusing on the bottom line.
Set realistic goals: Set yourself achievable and measurable goals that allow you to gradually move forward. As you achieve small milestones, your self-confidence will grow. Acknowledge and celebrate each step forward.
Work on your self-perception: develop a realistic and healthy image of yourself. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and work on improving your skills in specific areas. Remember that growth and development are continuous processes.
Did you like this post about impostor syndrome? We hope it will help you in moments of insecurity, in which you only have to look back and see how far you have come thanks to your effort and perseverance. Follow us on our blog and social networks to discover more about professional and personal development!